Full details coming soon!

Divine Essence Crystal Healing - Training Modules 3 & 4

Sacred Wheel training is a very empowering experience assisting you in clearing your own energy and raising  your personal vibration. It also assists in clearing your home, space, land and raising their  vibrations.  This is a half day course..

Fee: €75 includes  your own set of  Sacred Wheel Crystals, Certificate of completion  and refreshments.

Booking is essential as places are limited. A non-refundable deposit of €50 is required to secure a place with the balance to be paid on the day of the course.​

 Wand Training

Wands have been used since time immemorial. They are primarily energy amplifiers which are still used today for energy healing and spiritual work. In this half day training course you will be guided to make a deep connection to your wand and the Crystal kingdom. You will also practice healing & releasing of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual blocks and space clearing.

Fee: €75 includes a beautiful Selenite Wand, Certificate of completion  and refreshments.

Booking is essential as places are limited. A non-refundable deposit of €50 is required to secure a place with the balance to be paid on the day of the course.

One To One / Group Sessions

​I also run training courses on request for individuals on a one to one basis or for groups. If you are interested please give me a call on 087 7689 377 or email kkreikispirit@gmail.com 
and we can arrange a course on a day that suits.​

Divine Essence Crystal Healing - Training Modules 1 & 2

This is a Divine Essence Crystal Healing (DECH) training which is open all regardless of whether you have completed the other DECH training or not. At the moment Planet Earth and all life upon it is undergoing a huge shift in consciousness so that we can all live at a higher frequency of love, wisdom, co-operation and peace. This ascension workshop will aid our continuing path of ascension and will assist us in integrating and navigating the huge transformational energies which are pervading the planet at this time.

​We will be working with the 12 Dimensions and 12 strands of DNA connected to the 12 Crystals Skulls and also entering the 13th original Crystal Skull which contains the original paradigm of perfection for humanity.

This is a 1 day workshop, starting at 10am and finishing at 5pm. Workshop fee is €100. A beautiful Crystal Skull and refreshments are included in the cost of the workshop.

Booking is essential as workshop numbers are limited. A non-refundable deposit of €50 secures a place with the balance to be paid on the day of the workshop.

Reiki Spirit Angel Healing Centre is a wonderful peaceful haven away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. On this spiritually uplifting day you will have an opportunity to meet like-minded people and share experiences.

Divine Essence Crystal Healing Training

 Sacred Wheel Training

Full details coming soon!

 Crystal Skull Activation Practitioner Training

Prerequisites: Completion of the Divine Essence Crystal Healing - Training Modules 1, 2, 3 & 4 is required for attendance at this workshop. 

This workshop is the next step in the Divine Essence Crystal Healing training system and it builds on all of the knowledge and techniques learned in Training Modules 1,2, 3 & 4. You will receive an initiation into Divine Essence Crystal Healing System. You will be taught how to do a full Divine Essence Crystal Healing. Working on plinths each person gives and receives a full Crystal Healing. You will also be taught how to grid your home and what crystals to use on children and also animals. 

You will receive a Cloth Heptagram and a Clear Quartz Charger which you will use to create an Earth Healing Grid and an Ascension Grid. On completion of this Training you will be certified as a Divine Essence Crystal Healing Practitioner. The Divine Essence Crystal Healing system is insured by Balens. 

This is a 1 day workshop, starting at 10am and finishing at 5pm. Course fee is €175 per person and pre booking is essential. The Manual, Cloth Heptagram, Crystal Charger & refreshments are included in the cost of the workshop.

Booking is essential as places are limited. A non-refundable deposit of €50 secures a place with the balance to be paid on the day of the workshop.

Crystal Skulls Activation

 Activation into Higher Consciousness

This workshop is the next step in the Divine Essence Crystal Healing training. As is the case for Training Modules, 1 & 2 the intention of this workshop is for you to receive a heart and causal chakra (higher mind) connection with the Crystal Kingdom and to awaken your original connections to the remaining 12 crystals of the Divine Essence Crystal Healing system. This Workshop covers the following crystals; Sodalite, Orange Calcite, Ocean Jasper, Labradorite, Citrine, Herkimer Diamond, Bloodstone, Fluorite, Pyrite, Turquoise, Lepidolite and Spirit Cactus Quartz. 

This is a 1 day workshop, starting at 10am and finishing at 5pm. Course fee is €175 per person and pre booking is essential. The 12 Crystals, Manual, Certificate of completion & refreshments are included in the cost of the workshop. 

Booking is essential as places are limited. A non-refundable deposit of €50 secures a place with the balance to be paid on the day of the workshop.

Full details coming soon!

 Pendulum Training

Divine Essence Crystal Healing is inspired by Merlin and has been created by Jacinta (Jones) Murray to activate your own Divine Essence so that you become empowered to heal yourself in all areas of your life with the help of the Crystal Kingdom. This healing system works specifically with 24 crystals that are chosen to work with a multiplicity of symptoms ranging from mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. 

Many people are experiencing light body symptoms connected to their ascension process and we have high vibrational crystals included in the kit specifically to help lessen these symptoms and to increase the quotient of light in the clients body. A Divine Essence Crystal Healing is a very nurturing, empowering and informative experience. The session lasts approximately one hour and you are immersed in crystalline energies that your soul is resonating with at this time.

Divine Essence Crystal Healing Practitioner Training

If you are interested in connecting or improving your relationship not only with the crystal kingdom (which has been programmed for your healing, your growth, your awareness and most importantly your Ascension Process) but also improving your relationship with yourself then this training is for you.

In all golden ages the Crystal Kingdom has played a huge role, Crystal Technology is vital. The aim of Divine Presence is for you to receive a heart and causal chakra (higher mind) connection with the Crystal Kingdom and to awaken your original connections to the crystals which is a very powerful experience. This Workshop covers the following crystals Selenite, Carnelian, Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Smoky Quartz & Rutilated Quartz, Malachite, Kyanite, Lapis Lazuli, Tigers Eye, Amethyst and Hematite.

This is a 1 day workshop, starting at 10am and finishing at 5pm. Course fee is €175 per person and pre booking is essential. The 12 Crystals, Manual, Certificate of completion & refreshments are included in the cost of the workshop.
Booking is essential as places are limited. A non-refundable deposit of €50 secures a place with the balance to be paid on the day of the workshop.